Saturday, December 29, 2007

the problem as I see it ..........

oh my oh my

so you see I didn't believe there was such a thing as writers block but I guess there is , cause I'm blocked up like a mother-lover .I recorded a new song which I called untitled number two and I love the lyrics , the usual mix of longing and whatnot that are in all the songs that I personally love . and now I can't seem to find anything that I want to put in the next song which sucks big time cause I love the new song that I have on the chopping block right now , its reminds me of a mix of oasis and the beatles on an acoustic guitar ( not that it may sound like that but thats what I hear ) and it has a pre-chours and a chours , which is strange coming from the guy who will write songs with 5 verses and no chours (such as untitled number two ) , its total pop and I love it but alas no words right now , maybe I'll take the total oasis route and use nonsense words but I doubt it cause words mean so much to me . so thats it conflicted as usual

Love Always