Saturday, December 29, 2007

and then there were two .....

So howdy out there in ones and zero land

I wanted to start posting the lyrics to my songs on the blog but I figured that I was posting enough on here now and It would just get cluttered up ( like its not already ) so I have created blog number two . The other one is gonna just be song lyrics and links to download those songs I guess and no real view points from me and no ramblings or whatever .

so here is the link
folkart lyrics

I'm not say'in they are good but they are mine and I like them and being a lyrics guy when I listen to music , I guess that part shows in my own music

all right cheerio

p.s. Its almost the end of the year so have a happy new year whereever you are and I have a feeling that 2008 is gonna be a wild and wooly year for me and I hope it is for you too .