Wednesday, March 14, 2007

a waste of a week

well its been a week since I last posted on here and it seems like it was kinda of a waste but not really . I did come up with some plans . Trying to get some recording stuff arranged for the summer .Seeing that this will be the closest time when mike the mad drummer will be back in town . So thats really cool , I'll have to work up a batch of electric tunes for then .Plus I've been thinking that I should try to organize somekind of loose group of people that write songs - kinda like a support group for local people but I don't know really how to go about it . So if you have any suggestions , I'd love to here them . Maybe I could help some people that wanna record there tunes out - seeing I do have a mulit-track , cakewalk sonar and some good mic's . I'm gonna have to put the word out . Other then that I have been writing in my journal and with my guitar but I really need someone to kick me in the ass to get into the demo process . Well I'm just gonna have to get out there and do it right ? I'm not gonna let it get me down none .

anyway till next time

p.s. thanks to you guys for posting on my site . It was very ecouraging , lifted my spirits today