Saturday, March 3, 2007

going against the grain ... open contract to myself

well I have come to the decision that I have to go against the grain and be myself ( only took 27 years to figure it out ) .I have to be strong and put myself out there . Sure people are gonna try and tear me down but so fuckin what . Big deal it doesn't change who I am . Like I have this internal dialog with myself thinking that my songs and lyrics are no complicated enough or clever enough but there me . I like simple , there was a time when I though stuff had to be complicated to be good , to prove what you know , to prove that you are something but that's not true .Everyone has their own way and I like simple . Plus this day and age , look at what is out there and most of it isn't sayin anything . Its escapist jaded diversions . There have to be some kind of idyllic innocence left and that's where I wanna come from , not sayin its gonna be that way or maybe I'm sellin myself short (Verena says I do this all the time ) but that's what I'm gonna strive for ...

your faithful friend

P.S. I am going to record some stuff this weekend so in the next week or so , I will be posting some Tracks up on this thing ..