hello to one and all
here is the update if you are intrested , I guess
I'm happy and healthy , after alittle bout of the flu I'm back running on two feet again ,
I have some label intrest with my cd , so thats like really cool , I was contacted the other day , hopefully its all legit but I am going to play it by ear for now but its real cool to get noticed in that way .
been wrting more songs all the time , been writing alot of words , don't really know if they will become songs or just poems , who knows , time will tell ... but its all good
my myspace is like totally off the hook , passed 4200 plays today , thats mad , that alot of people been getting alot of postive feedback there too , even got a few messages in other languages , that I have no clue what they are saying , so thank God for that and for everything really
but most of all thank God for my love who looks after me and all my neurotic tendenices and makes me feel like i'm a man of some worth , thank you God for the beautiful gift that I have in her
well thats all for now
there is more but it will have to wait till later .
love always
"my hands upon your soft white skin,
my fingertips knew where to begin ,
counting the viens in your arms
just gravel roads to your country home
- -
where its safe
and warm
and know one will do me harm "
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
well well well
Posted by folkart lullaby at 8:22 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
well here is that update
hello hello hello
hope this update finds you all well ,healthy and happy , just as I feel today , After the last month of struggle and whatnot I am doing just fine again , but instead of looking at the negatives , I am going to tell you all about the postives ,
I have my first cd ready , its a cd of songs that I recorded last year , there are 13 songs and its just really cool looking and whatnot , just holding it in my hand makes me so happy , I knew I could do it all along , this is just the start , now I am going to have to start working on promotion of this cd and the recording of the next one all at the same time , bring it on , I can do it .
my myspace music site is flying along rather well as of this morning I was up to 3300 plays , thats alot of people , its cool that those songs are getting heard by some people , that makes me feel great too , I get e-mails from people all the time telling me that they like my stuff and whatnot , heard alot of comparsions to other artists and whatnot which is cool too ,I really feel greatful that people would take the time and listen .
but the biggest news of all is this , Amanda and I have gotten engaged , like thats the coolest thing in the world , am I right ? of course I am right , I did the whole 9 yards too , asked her parents for there blessing , I was super nervous too (its true but funny now that I look back on it ) and then I went out and picked out the ring myself , which apparetly is something guys just don't do anymore by themselves ,or so I am told , then I booked a room on the gold floor of the fairmount for the next day that we had off , now keep in mind the whole time this was going on I was stressing out , not know how it would go and wanting to make it all perfect , so then off we went to st.johns , the room was wonderful and at about 10:30 I popped that question , got down on one knee and the whole she-bang , the day before picked up two wine glasses and a bottle and we had a toast to out engagment and our ever true love , It all went perfect in my eyes , the ring even fit like a glove , excellent , I am so happy about all this it is not funny , Thank you God for the gift of love you have sent me .
I would also like to thank all the people who told me congratutaions in the last week , all the people that said the ring was nice , shook my hand or said good things to Amanda about us getting married , Thank you so much , I won't forget all those well wishes
Love Always
Posted by folkart lullaby at 9:36 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
hello hello hello it's been a long time , but then again ...
hello hello hello
to all those out there in internet land , how the hell are ya all going ? , Me ? , dare you ask ! I am doing just great , rockin out with my wonderful girlfriend , just loving every new day and watching it get better then the last . Whats a brother to do no less , stop listing to the negative crap and start believeing in all the good thats around each and everyone of us , thats what . believe it , cause its true , be thakful that you are alive and that there are people around you that care for you , Its a wonderful life I swear , if you want it to be , you just gotta open your eyes to it , thats all , took me along long long time to figure that one out .oh well .. making up for lost time now though .
Saturday night i sat down and figured out that I have enough full band songs as to make a 14 song full band demo , songs that I really care about , that I think are strong , stuff that could be epic , stuff that could be athems , stuff that is rock and pop and folk and country and metal and blues and everything rolled up into one and shot out from my cranium ( that is size 23 , I am told , lol ) as only I can do . I believe in these songs , so here we go again ,
here is the task at hand :
I have to find a bass player, a drummer and a keyboard player that are willing to record these songs , one that understands the beatles and zeppelin and queens and hendrix and gram parsons and all that stuff rolled into one , It maybe hard but if you think you can do it , drop me an e-mail or whatever , plus I am going on a hunt for some people now cause I wanna do this ..
anyway more later , I leave you with a pic of me and my beautiful love
your confessional chatterbox
Posted by folkart lullaby at 5:38 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
well there you go ....
thanks , thanks , thanks very much for that
I appraitce it so much
your a real winner
all my love
Posted by folkart lullaby at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
the set up , part one , new music soon
hello hello hello
so tonight I set up the start of my music gear in its new home . and I got alot of it done but not all of it yet , but I am getting there , maybe i'll set up more after I make this post , I took a few pic's to show you the new place that it will all be coming from . down the stairs into dreamland
the two lovers
anyway thats all for now
all my love
Posted by folkart lullaby at 1:32 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
hey look what i found ....
hello hello hello
so as I don't have my recording gear set up yet , been wrting some new songs though , so I have been surfing the net as they say , with my spare time , been spending alot of time on you tube and look what I found ... you said you liked my version of firecracker , so I found ryan adams singing it jamaica , I have the dvd but haven't seen it in a while , but I love this version ,
so here it is
anyway gotta get ready for work
all my love
Posted by folkart lullaby at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
so alive ...
so hello hello hello
today is a great day to be alive , just really happy today , I have been playing the crap out of these two songs and I wanted to share them with you , I hope you are as happy as I am. thank you very very very much .
I hope everyone is happy and safe and knowing that they are loved
all my love
Posted by folkart lullaby at 2:07 PM 0 comments