Saturday, January 5, 2008

who is a folkart lullaby ?

he is I and I is he ,,

in other words i'm going out of my mind blasted on flu meds and whatnot and feeling just a sweet little feeling thinking about stuff in general , I'm this total dynamic person that has this compeleing need to write and to listen and to do all these things cause I can't sell insurace or have the displine to become a doctor or a teacher or whatever , the hopes that my parents had for me , oh well sucks to be them , sorry to let you down mom , lol but I don't fit the grid , you know that grid where all the quote - unquote normal people live . oh well I went from total happniess to flu/loss fucking feeling down to now feeling on top of the world again . and thats who I am and I'm happy with that , I go long periods of time with no sleep and then I sleep all day and i'm happy with that too . Its all part of it . I'm happy with it , really I am . Its kinda like the bus drove off and I stayed here . Its good though cause the grid looks really fucking borning to me right now .

so I just wrote another few to replace the others , some real lovelys lol

flying high over the flu