Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Try as you might ...

well what a day indeed !!!

Just another normal day then it all falls apart . Man why do people find the need to put pressure on me . I'm so angry right now that I don't even know how to get it out . I know I should not let this crap get to me but it does. I feel like I wanna scream . I will not under any circumstance narc on others or be mean spirited towards them . This is my line in the sand . I know I have been in the past and I hope that those people can find it in there hearts to forgive and hopefully forget the things that I have said or done to them . I was stupid and childish but God knows I'm trying to be better and its a struggle but I will not sell out my ideals or the way I was raised for a fucking paycheck . I'd rather be poor . Some people might say "oh well , I have to do this , or that " , whatever if that helps you sleep at night , that's o.k. . For me its not even a question , I'm not saving lives or anything . I had someone say to me months ago that everyone has a price , well guess what - I don't , I repeat I don't . I would not be able to live with myself if the only way I could get my kicks was by hurting others or by putting money on that high a pedestal that it overid the feeling and hearts of others or myself . I think in the old days they called people like that idolaters and its a moral sin .

Now don't get me wrong I like a good days work but the only person that I am trying to beat or better is myself , not the guy next to me , not the person down the hall , not the clock , - I'm trying to be a better person and like I said its a struggle . I guess if they don't like , oh well .
It just all doesn't smell right to me . My parents raised me with these ideals and even though for a long time I was lost out there , I find myself trying to claw my way back to them and with Verena's help , I am coming back to that place . Its a good place to be and to that certain person who said all this to me , I'm not mad at you , I'm more mad at myself for even letting those words of yours pass thru my ears . To tell the truth , I feel sorry for you . Your a sad little man , I guess that's what happens when you commerce is your only friend . Hope it keeps you warm at night.


p.s. check out my facebook


Anonymous said...

Artist: The Hombres Lyrics
Song: Let it All Hang Out Lyrics

A preachment, dear friend
You are about to receive on John Barleycorn
Nicotine and the temptations of Eve

No parkin' by the sewer sign
Hot dog, my razors broke
Water drippin' up the spout
But I dont care, let it all hang out

Hangin' from a pine tree by my knees
Sun is shinin' through the shade
Nobody knows what its all about
It's too much, man, let it all hang out

Saw a man walkin' upside down
My T.V.s on the blink
Made Galileo look like a Boy Scout
Sorry 'bout that, let it all hang out

Sleep all day, drive all night
Brain my numb, can't stop now
For sure ain't no doubt
Keep an open mind, let it all hang out

It's rainin' inside a big brown moon
How does that mess you baby up, leg
Eatin' a Reuben sandwich with sauerkraut
Don't stop now, baby, let it all hang out

Let it all hang out
Let it all hang out
Let it all hang out

***When It's Too Much, Let It Go***
***If It's Not Fun, Don't Do It***

Nothing Defines You, not yesterdays' man nor tomorrows' dream...Vee