Monday, February 26, 2007

sittin' here thinkin'

well here I am listening to a poet of the common person , Bruce Springsteen and it got me thinkin about life , hard work and commerce .Here with my mind being fueled by the hazy effect of a sleeping pill and nicotine ( which I had given up) . I'm thinking that the people in this world that do all the real work get no pay or thanks for it .Now I know this is no surprise but there has to be some factor in this work to even it all out , there just has to be . I don't know what it is , maybe its god ( if that's what you believe ) maybe there is redemption out there somewhere on the road , or maybe its in our hopes and dreams . In things that no corporation can take away , unless you let them . I know all about it , I work a night job and its so soul crushing when you see some people skate thru and others honestly struggle everyday . I know that my next statement is not going to be shocking either but the corporate world doesn't want honest people for promotions , they want the liers and the cheats , so they can lie and cheat for there team.

Am I right ? - just prove me wrong . ...
now I know that there must be some big business out there that rewards honesty ( the exception that proves the rule ,as they say ) but I've never heard of it .

Anyway this post is not suppose to be about whats wrong with it but in the things that are right about it all ..
Well I guess if I'm writing this then I must consider myself a somewhat honest person cause if I wasn't what would I care right ? Some of the fans of Springsteen must be drawn to this as well . I guess I can take comfort in that . I guess there are about a million ideas in this post for some songs ...